Thursday 12 February 2015

Layout Designs

Layout Designs- Front Cover, Contents page and Double Page Spread

Front Cover Layout
This is a simple layout that will attract the audinec through a larger background image of an artist. The front page represents my house style and so I will have to ensure that my whole house style comes across on this page.
Contents Layout
This would be a clear, chronological contents layout so that the reader will understand what pages different articles are on. The top right corner however will need a bit of work as there is a lot of blank space to fill, but this problem will be resolved when it comes to designing my magazine fully.
The use of circles for image will be used throughout my magazine as part of my slightly retro themed house style.

Double Page Layout
I have taken inspiration for this from both NME and Q as they both possess an 'Audience Opinion' pug on their double page spread. This would entice the reader and give other peoples opinions so they can create their own. The article will be clear and concise so that it is easy to read and the order cannot be confused.

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