Thursday 4 December 2014


Jessie, in the analysis of sound you are stating that the example represent characters' regional identities but not what is suggested by the type of identity  e.g. the use of the dialogue is suggesting those in the country are less-educated etc...

Monday 1 December 2014

Prelim editing task

Evaluation of prelim editing task

Evaluation of the Prelim editing task

What I have learned about the technology

Before I completed this task I had no idea how to use Final Cut Pro. or how to create jingles and sound effects on Garage Band. Thanks to completing this I know how to use these sites and also how to create an effect short piece of media

What I have learned about editing

I have learned how to use transitions, colour the actual shots, add sound effects, add music, create credits and I have gained a basic understanding of what makes the editing of a piece of media 'good' as a whole

What I will improve next time

to improve, next time I will ensure that I choose a quieter place to film as the loudness of the surroundings effected how loud the dialogue was.

How does sound help to represent regional identity?

How does sound represent regional identity?

The Darling Buds of May

The Darling Buds of May is a TV soap opera set in the deep countryside.
There are a huge number of sounds that help to represent regional identity in this program. One example of this is the ambient sounds, specifically animal noises. The audience can hear chickens clucking, sheep baaing, birds tweeting etc. These sorts of sound are not often heard in a city and therefore represent the countryside in which this soap opera is set. Another example of sound representing regional identity is the dialect used by the characters themselves. In one case the main farmer character uses a double negative by saying 'I ain't had no', this is non-standard English and an example of the stereotypical dialect used in the West Country. The dialect is backed up with a deep West Country accent, helping to clearly represent where the characters are from and therefore, their regional identity. A final example of sound representing regional identity is the use of non-diegetic music. The music that is played during the beginning of the scene is classical and quite peaceful which reflects the stereotypical view of the countryside and contrasts with the sort of music that would be used in a soap opera about the city. In conclusion, sound can be used very effectivey to represent regional identity.